Contact Lense Evaluation & Fitting
The FDA (Federal Drug Administration) considers contact lenses as medical devices. Like all prescription devices, contacts must be monitored regularly. Good vision and eye comfort do not ensure a healthy contact lens fit. Proper follow-up care is necessary to prevent potentially harmful situations.
All contact lens patients require a contact lens evaluation & fit every year. Our eye doctors assess your eyes to make sure your cornea, lids, and lashes are healthy, and that your vision with contacts is stable. If you are a first-time contact lens wearer the doctor also assesses if you are a candidate for contact lenses. If you are an existing contact lens wearer the doctor must evaluate the current lenses you are in to make sure they fit properly.
Brand new contact lens patients must take part in our start and teach procedure. During this time a member of our specialized eye team will instruct you on proper insertion and removal of the contact lens. We will also go over important aspects in maintaining proper hygiene and good care of the contacts. Sample contacts may be tried out of the office to test for proper comfort and vision with a follow up visits included.