
Pediatric Eye Care

We love kids! Studies show that up to 10% of young children have vision problems. However, kids generally aren’t aware there’s an issue and don’t complain about their eyes. It is, therefore, crucial to detect the first signs of vision problems before complications arise.

Four main conditions can affect the vision and health of our children.

  • Refractive Error
    Almost 15% of children suffer from undiagnosed vision problems. Failure to detect these conditions can delay perceptual skills and reading abilities and contribute to attention deficits in children. Fortunately, most of these conditions are easily corrected with glasses or contact lenses.
  • Strabismus
    More commonly known as eye turn, it affects about 3-4% of our children. The eyes cannot maintain alignment in the same direction and work as a team. The treatment for strabismus depends on the severity of the condition but may include special prismatic glasses, surgery, or vision therapy.
  • Amblyopia
    It is a term to describe a preventable reduction in vision in one or both eyes. It affects 5-8% of the overall population. It may lead to a permanent decrease in vision; if untreated, the condition may significantly impact the child. If diagnosed early, the condition may be corrected through glasses, patching, or vision therapy.
  • Childhood Ocular Disease
    Ocular diseases can have severe consequences for children. Although rare, they can negatively affect the clarity of vision and, in some cases, overall health. Treatments vary depending on the condition, but early detection is the key.

pediatric eye care

Schedule your child’s

comprehensive examination.